GIP-64: Should GnosisDAO distribute SAFE tokens to incentivize decentralizing Gnosis Chain?

Until mid-February, all staked GNO is treated equally. After mid-February different categories will receive different % of additional SAFE token rewards but it is not decided yet, how the distribution is. AllNodes should fall under cloud-hosted staking providers and allows better decentralization compared to professional staking services like e.g. figment but this has to be discussed.

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Snapshot vote is on:

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Out of 22.4k LP tokens representing sGNO/GNO pool, 12k belongs to the GnosisDAO itself - Factory Plain Pool: sGNO/GNO (sgnoCRV-f) Token Tracker | GnosisScan

Will GnosisDAO exclude its own address from the Safe distribution for sGNO/GNO LP providers?

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GnosisDAO should be excluded from this distribution. There is no point in giving them back to GnosisDAO.

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Got it, my misunderstanding

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Is all the 0.9% vested token or its same pattern with safe users 50% will Be claimable right away the remaining will be vested for 4years, please I need clarification on this

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The tokens given to stakers are taken from the tokens vested to GnosisDAO. Every months, the tokens vested to GnosisDAO will be redistributed to stakers. It is a stream of 100.000.000 tokens over a few years.

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From safe token allocation and distribution 10M out of the 150M safe will be available right away, so what are you going to do with the available 10M?


We are currently considering making a proposal to use it for the market making of SAFE tokens from the start generating value for GnosisDAO.

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Seriously this is sad news to GNO lockers, we locked our thousands of dollars we end of getting… In return.
Even the cow token that was airdrop to bus you guys delayed the distribution till cow dumped to $0.30 from $3.
We locked our GNO when GNO Price is above $300 per GNO now look at the current price of GNO!
Honestly speaking you guys are not suppose to treat GNO lockers this way, we supposed to receive non vested token in the first month of the distribution while the remaining months should be vested token.
You guys supposed to reasons enough! Ordinary safe users will receive 50% of there airdrop allocation while we that locked our asset without any promise of apy get vested token!!!
Am not fuding but what if $safe dumped hard like $cow in may next year what is our Gain of locking our GNO?


Is a proposal to do this already being prepared?

Seemed odd and poor optics to have left Gnosis Chain Safe users out of the initial distribution, but may have been valid reason.

Seems odder still to leave them out of this proposal without also submitting a proposal either here or on to include Gnosis Chain Safe users.

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This proposal is about distributing SAFE tokens given to GnosisDAO as compensation for the spinoff. They are owned by GNO holders. SAFE tokens used to incentivize the success of Safe on GnosisChain should come out of the 5% jointly controlled by Safe and Gnosis.


The more interesting aspect to consider is transferability of the Safe token according to SEP#2.

As per the current discussions in the Safe forum, it is possible that transferability will not be enabled this year or at all for now which may cause some delays in the implementation of this proposal. Unless there will be a retrospective allocation of Safe tokens once transferability is enabled.

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GNO/sGNO used in the [curve pool GNO:sGNO

Do we need to simply deposit into the pool:

or both deposit and stake into the gauge?:

or will both groups be considered? Please clarify, as it seems Gnosis Scan does not recognize those who staked their LP tokens as holders of the LP token. Thank you!


Good question. Only if the LP tokens are staked into the gauge, they will be considered. I will clarify this in the post.


are stakers and holders of vGNO (vested token used to partially reimburse agave and hundred users affected by hack ) be included in this categorie ?

  • GNO in locking contracts on Ethereum and Gnosis Chain.
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Thank you mate! Great work being so diligent!

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What do you think of also giving out rewards for stakers in rGNO/sGNO pool as well?
The liquidity is very low there and there are no incentives to become an rGNO/sGNO LP.


I think the liquidity between sGNO and GNO is much more important than rGNO and sGNO. Also the proposal has passed now and it would require another proposal to include an rGNO:sGNO pool.


When are you guys going to start distribution $safe to GNO lockers?

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