GIP-64: Should GnosisDAO distribute SAFE tokens to incentivize decentralizing Gnosis Chain?

Okay, thank you for the information and the start of this reply.

But I don’t understand the rest:

“So far, only the distribution of SAFE tokens to GNO token holders during the lock-in period has been implemented and will be executed.”

Those with GNO tokens okay, but we just had to hold GNO on our wallet? but over what period? Was a snapshot taken of the blockchain with holder?

If I took my GNO and exchanged them for SGNO to make LST on Gnosis, I wouldn’t be entitled to any token distribution SAFE?

Maybe I’m the stupid one, but I don’t explicitly understand what the validated snapshot proposal includes and what all the EFFECTIVE eligibility criteria are.

Thanks for your reply!

At this point, i have a strong preference for Gnosis DAO retaining all SAFE, rather than distributing any of it to GNO holders. Better for the token to be effectively farmed by Karpatkey and used to selectively buy back GNO token than distributed to GNO holders, creating a taxable event for many jurisdictions, and forcing many small holders. Looking forward to seeing the forthcoming proposal, would also be happy to assist in authoring it. We pay Karpatkey well for a reason – all GNO holders should prefer the DAO retains control of the SAFE

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As it was voted in GIP-64, 9M SAFE will be distributed among GNO lockers across Ethereum and Gnosis Chain, sGNO-GNO LPs and GNO validators. Allocations can be found here. The distribution will happen on Wednesday.


Thanks – What were the criteria that were used for the cutoffs? Im not in either list despite staking since just after the acquisition of the chain by Gnosis. I assume for validators the funding address was used?

Hi, I’ve been a solo validator for 717 days and can’t see my address in there. Any reason why? Thanks.

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I’m not sure if this is the issue, but if you click on either CSV on GitHub, it will initially just show a preview. To view the whole file in your browser, you’ll need to click Code.

Alternatively, you can enter your address into the search bar at the top while leaving repo:0xnesk/safe-token-distro at the beginning.

I searched for my address in the raw file and didn’t find anything. But maybe it’s just the LP allocations? Can you find your validator address?

I searched using my withdrawal address.

Yeah, me too… I don’t know, let’s wait for someone to explain the reasoning behind the cutoff


Sorry are we to claim it manually or you guys are sending it direct to our wallet address?
Sorry to ask but this GIP 64 said 9m $safe will be equally distributed to Gno lockers, sgno LP and Gno node providers, how much will each user receive?
Secondly some people here there wallet have been compromised, an exact time needed to be started so that the can claim before the hacker claims the token.

We have found issues on the validator list. We are reviewing it and will post an updated list of allocations once we have fixed it.


Equal distribution of vested SAFE tokens to GNO holders on a monthly basis until the end of the locking period (February 15, 2023, about 0.9% of all SAFE tokens)

Why does the distribution differ from the Proposal?

Exactly as @Rabson said equal means equal, so if there is 9 million SAFE tokens to be distributed, equal means 9 million divided by number of wallets eligible. Now what does your funny score mean some wallets have number on -12 distribution what is that. If you are not going to respect you own proposal where you said distribution will be equal make a new proposal and say distribution will be linear pro rata of how many GNO wallet has had locked in locking period. Don’t make a fool out of us and yourself


It’s not going to be divided equally by eligible wallet. It’s based on the amount of GNO associated with each wallet.


Why does it not say then in the proposal “proportional” distribution of SAFE tokens, but rather it says “equal” distribution, look it up in the proposal. They (Gnosisa Dao ) made a proposal not me, if they are not going to do what they said they will do and GNO holders voted on it, then ok, they are from now on not trustworthy

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Of course there aren’t trusted

Allocations were just updated. You can check them here

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Stop deceiving us, nothing was fixed!!

The proposal started
“Equal distribution of vested SAFE tokens to GNO holders on a monthly basis until the end of the locking period (February 15, 2023, about 0.9% of all SAFE tokens)”

Now you execute the proposal counteentary to how the vote ended.

Am very very disappointed with you guys

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‘Equal’ distribution as per the proposal. What is going on here?

Calm down.

To take that as each GNO holder would get an equal amount has to be one of the more redacted things to suggest.

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