GIP-74: Should GnosisDAO support Explorer hosted by

Hi @butta, what features have been implemented? Where can the DAO see the roadmap and progress status updates?


any eta when I can choose gnosischain in the mobile app?


I am interested to know as well.
There have been questions unanswered since the proposal passed.

I’d also like to ask about the 100 validators free tier limit. In the Gnosis Chain, many validators run more than that as the stake is much smaller than with Ethereum. Are you considering increasing it?


I completely agree and would further state im planning on building a system to become a GNO VALIDATOR while saving up and purchasing GNO tokens sufficient to have a Node in my own right.

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so why I am sill not able to choose gnosischain here?

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Is this a display error or is it real that there are no gno block rewards if xDAI rewards are high enough?

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