A Step Towards Improved Financial Reporting: New Monthly Report

Starting from July 2023, we are switching to monthly reporting for all DAOs we collaborate with, including Gnosis DAO. These reports will be conveniently delivered in a web format on the 10th of the following month. For instance, the first monthly report will cover July 2023 and will be available on August 10th.

Our new reporting format introduces additional sections that aim to offer a comprehensive understanding of the Treasury’s performance. One notable inclusion is the analysis of all variations that contributed to the end-of-month balance, meticulously classified into farming and non-farming results. We believe this classification will provide better insights into the Gnosis DAO operations.

Furthermore, each report will be directly associated with that month’s fees, ensuring transparency and accountability in our reporting process. As we move forward, we have ambitious plans to enhance these monthly reports by incorporating more pertinent financial information.


Great, would especially appreciate if some reasoning for changes in the portfolio (if done) will be included.


Would just like to chime in on this topic. I have been helping on just the data input side of this process and it has been a task. I have yet to see any draft of the report, but from the amount of detail and metrics that have been considered and tracked, I can not wait to see the final product!


Please find the monthly reports here.