Join Humans of Gnosis and Buy DappCon tickets

@mkoeppelmann recently introduced the concept of Circles group currencies. This concept shifts the reliance on trust in individual accounts to trusted groups of Circles accounts. Businesses or individuals can accept group currencies from participants within a trusted group, enhancing transaction efficiency and security within the Circles ecosystem. Confidence in the overall reputation and trustworthiness of the group replaces the need for trust in each individual. As a first use case, Martin introduced the Humans of Gnosis Group.

Today, we are taking the first step of utilizing the Humans of Gnosis tokens by allowing their use for purchasing DappCon23 tickets. Given DappCon22’s strong focus on Universal Basic Income (UBI), it was a logical choice to facilitate ticket purchases for DappCon23 using Circles/Humans of Gnosis Tokens.

To begin, we would like to share this opportunity with the Gnosis community, offering them the chance to acquire DappCon tickets using Circles. At a later date, we will announce this to the broader public.

The following thread provides a step-by-step guide on how to mint HoG, purchase a DappCon ticket and become a HoG member.

How to mint HoG tokens

Step 1: Create a Circles Account

To get started, visit and create your Circles account. During the registration process, you’ll need to find three individuals who are already participating in Circles and are willing to trust you.

Step 2: Your Safe

Once you have a Circles account, it’s important to understand that your Circles Identity is a Gnosis Safe. Although only allows Circles-related actions, you can load your Circles identity into a web-based Safe interface or a mobile app for executing transactions on the Gnosis Chain.

Step 3: Interacting with Your Safe

  • Go back to
  • Use the first address, which is the device address.
  • Transfer a small amount of xDai to this account.
  • Visit
  • The app will guide you through the next steps.
  • Connect the app with the Externally Owned Account (EOA) you want to add as an owner to your Safe.
  • Follow the instructions on the app to connect your EOA.
  • Import your Circles seed phrase from the settings of the Circles app.
  • Copy the seed phrase into the Walrus app and confirm.
  • Once your Safe is displayed in the Walrus app, select it from the available options.
  • Follow the prompts or instructions provided by the app to confirm the addition of a new owner.
  • Go back to…D97
    Note: Replace the placeholder URL with the actual URL corresponding to your Circles Safe.
  • Observe the newly added EOA as a new owner in the Safe app.

Step 4: Mint HoG

Go back to
You should now be able to mint HoG tokens.

  • Follow the instructions provided in the app to mint your desired amount of HoG tokens.

Steps 1-4 is all that is required to just mint “HoG” and potentially use it to buy e.g. a DappCon ticket.

Note, the amount of HoG you can mint depends on your trust connections and duration since you joined the Circles platform. In order to pay for a full ticket you should have been registered for at least 125 days. If you are unable to mint the full 1200 HoG tokens, you have the option to exchange some xDai for HoG on Cowswap.

Step 5: Buy a DappCon23 ticket

If you have 1200 HoG, you can now visit our Event Page and acquire your DappCon23 ticket using your UBI.

Step 6-7 describes the process to become a member of HoG. This will ensure that you can always convert your own CRC into HoG - otherwise you are dependent on having trust connections to HoG members. If you are a HoG member it will also enable people you trust to mint HoG.

Joining Humans of Gnosis Group

Step 6: Adding Liquidity to Your CRC Token

To become a member of the Humans of Gnosis (HoG) group and have the ability to convert your CRC into HoG tokens, follow these steps:

  • Send 1 GNO to your Circles Safe.
    • Ensure you have 1 GNO available on the Gnosis Chain.
  • Return to the Safe app.
    • Connect the EOA you just added as an owner of the Safe with the Safe app.
  • Visit Swapr.
    • Connect your Safe with Swapr using Wallet Connect.
  • Select “Liquidity” in the upper menu.
  • Choose “Add Liquidity” to start creating a new pool.
  • As the first token, enter your CRC token address.
  • As the second token, add GNO.
  • Set the exchange rate for CRC/GNO.
    • Configure the exchange rate for CRC/GNO (1 CRC = ~0.25$).
    • To add 1 GNO, you should add approximately 456 CRC, assuming a price of $114 for GNO.
      Note the value of GNO can vary please adjust accordingly.
  • Approve the Tokens and confirm the transaction in the Safe app.
  • Add the liquidity by providing final approval and confirming the transaction in the Safe app.
  • After completing the liquidity addition process, your pool should be successfully established and ready for trading.

Step 7: Become a HoG member

Add yourself to the relevant HoG group sheet to enable a group admin to add you to the Humans of Gnosis group.


By following these steps, you can mint HoG tokens and join the Humans of Gnosis group. The introduction of group currencies adds a new dimension to Circles, providing opportunities for community-driven economies and enabling exciting possibilities like purchasing DappCon tickets with HoG tokens.

Join the decentralized revolution of trust, collaboration, and fair currency issuance with Circles and HoG tokens. If you have any further questions please contact us via Discord.


Great, it works :+1:, seems I got the first ticket :smile:


I just went through the process to buy a DappCon ticket using HoG and it was smooth! While I likely won’t be able to make it to DappCon, I support it! :sweat_smile:

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It will be a great event - hope you can make it!

  • Connect your Safe with Swapr using Wallet Connect.

Is a step that sadly no longer works :frowning:

In this world with so many wallet options, a solution like Wallet Connect makes sense but the current state of things show just how fragile the whole ecosystem is.

The Wallet Connect v2 launch made things so much worse, even if that launch was the only thing they promoted for more than 1 year.

Safe + wallet-connect was already unusable on Android. You needed a desktop or an iOS device :confused:
Now it doesn’t work anywhere :man_shrugging:


@mirceanis what might work: (it has become a quite nice wallet, I use it nowadays even more often than Metamask) allows you to act as a Safe. So essentially you can connect with your Safe vie the browser plugin (Metamask) way instead of Wallet Connect.

Anyhow - hopefully the wallet connect issue will soon be fixed.


Hi @mkoeppelmann, I saw you were also suggesting rabby in another post and I’ll try it out.

Meanwhile, is Swapr the only way to back CRC with GNO?

I do hope the wallet connect issues get resolved soon. It’s affecting a whole industry :confused:

I can confirm that Rabby works great. Thanks for the suggestion, @mkoeppelmann!

I don’t have enough of my own CRC anymore to put up against 1GNO, as it was spent by my trust network :man_shrugging:, but my wife was able to do it for hers.

See you at DappCon!


@mirceanis there is a “trick” how you can get your own Circles back (if they are available in the trust network)
You can create a new “shared wallet” in the garden app. In this shared wallet you only trust yourself. Now you initiate a transfer to this shared wallet. As it only trusts yourself the pathfinders needs to find a path to convert the Circles you have into your own.

In the next step you can just send Circles from the shared account back to yourself and you should end up holding your own Circles again.

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That is an awesome trick!

It worked and I was able to get enough of my own CRC back to add liquidity to a pool and I added myself to the sheet.
I already had my dappcon ticket, so this is just to signal my love for the circles project.

Rabby wallet works great, thanks again for the suggestion!

Since these shared wallets are supposed to represent projects, I created one to “fund” one of my side-projects (Circles UBI | Wallet). I’d like to design open-source/open-hardware bots to do the heavy work in agriculture. Robots should do the heavy lifting while humans write poetry, not the other way around.
Feel free to signal support for this type of thing through a transitive transaction :slight_smile:

See you folks at DappCon!

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Thank you @mirceanis! Added you to the group! Your membership will indeed allow more people to use Circles to buy a Dappcon ticket.

Since these shared wallets are supposed to represent projects, I created one to “fund” one of my side-projects (Circles UBI | Wallet ). I’d like to design open-source/open-hardware bots to do the heavy work in agriculture. Robots should do the heavy lifting while humans write poetry, not the other way around.

Sounds awesome! Have sent you 500 CRC.

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I’m getting a confusing error when trying to convert my HoG:
Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 14.45.39

Any idea where it comes from after connecting my main eth wallet and importing my circles seed on

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Great instructions thank you. I have issues to connect my safe with Swapr.

We were unable to create a connection due to compatibility issues with the latest WalletConnect v2 upgrade. We are actively working with the WalletConnect team and the dApps to get these issues resolved. Use Safe Apps instead wherever possible.

Are you aware of these issues? Happy to let the Safe them know if necessary.

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