About Partnership(Grant) :The most secure bridge using TEE(SGX):Light Client Proxy

Name of Project

Developing Light Client Proxy bridge for Gnosis


We’ ve been addressing interoperability issues and partnering with ICF, Harmony etc to build bridges based on Cross-Authentication.


We would like to develop a token transfer bridge between Gnosis and others (any chains you want to) using LCP Bridge.

LCP Bridge is the most secure ever, gas-efficient and with high extensibility using TEE(e.g. SGX)

Key features are Ultra Gas-efficient Relay & Light Client, Trust-minimized and Extensible & IBC Support.

Please check this proposal (DocSend)

About Partnership

We would like you to consider following partnership possibility.

  1. Efforts to make transactions through LCP maximized.

  2. Seamless user flow to LCP bridge

1. links from the official page, Dapps(Like HonySwap), user support page etc
  1. Co-building a transfer bridge Interface
  2. Co-building bridge applications besides just token transfer(mint/lock)

And also grant program will be candidate.

Next Steps

We would like to discuss how we can make a partnership and will explain LCP details.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.