Arana Digital Delegate Platform

Basic Information

  • Delegate Voting Address: 0x0579A616689f7ed748dC07692A3F150D44b0CA09
  • Link to Forum or Discord Handle: @AranaDigital
  • Link to Delegate Platform:
  • Seeking Sponsorship: Yes
  • Voting Activity: Tally & Boardroom


We are a governance group composed of ex-Michigan Blockchain members. Our team is currently made up of five individuals, all of which are deeply steeped in the crypto space and have multiple years of participation in protocol governance. With delegation history for DEXs, money markets, L2s, liquid staking protocols, and stablecoins, we’re acclimated with a breadth of sectors. We bring a diversity of experience to DAOs–our members have consulted for companies like Immutable and dYdX, worked at crypto investment and trading firms, set up various validator nodes, and run educational events for university students.

Core Values

  • Diligence: We thoroughly investigate each proposal, engaging with other delegates and service providers to gather diverse perspectives and insights prior to making a decision.
  • Transparency: We openly share information about decisions and their rationales, providing clear and accessible updates, and ensuring that all processes are effective to the community.
  • Innovation + Sustainability: We champion initiatives that will both allow the DAO and its underlying protocol to sustain its advantages, all the while continuously looking to iron out flaws and introduce efficiencies.

Delegate Motivation

Our team has been familiar with the ongoings Gnosis and are impressed with how it differentiates itself from other crypto entities. We started looking more closely into Gnosis Chain in particular when evaluating a proposal to deploy Uni v3 on Gnosis Chain about a year ago. Ever since, we’ve followed the development of the DAO, in particular its uniqueness when it comes to managing a diversified portfolio of various assets–not just in terms of cryptocurrencies but also in venture. Arana’s investment arm has also followed projects associated with Gnosis like Autonolas and are intrigued by how other projects will follow in the future. We hope to contribute to the ecosystem as best as we can from the standpoint of a delegate, just as we have for multiple other DAOs.

Areas of expertise

  • Governance mechanisms and systems
  • Treasury management
  • Ecosystem grants and incentives

Conflicts of Interest

We are actively involved as delegates and contributors in multiple other DAOs. Arana also has an investment arm focused on allocating to small caps digital assets. Any relevant conflicts of interest will be publicized when needed.

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