Are the conditional token market maker contracts deployed in xdai chain?

Hello! i am working on a conditional tokens based prediction market on xdai chain, do you know if the contracts are officially deployed in there (as they are in mainnet, and some testnets)?
Omen has deployed some for their upgrade :wink: but i want to use the LMSR model as is in the tutos.
Thank you very much for your time!

Not quite yet - keep an eye out soon :smiley:

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Correct, we have not deployed the LMSR market makers to xDai.
Here are links to all of the relevant verified contracts that have been deployed:

CT xDai Sokol
CT Contracts ConditionalTokens (0xCeAfDD6bc0bEF976fdCd1112955828E00543c0Ce) - Gnosis Chain Explorer
FPMMDeterministicFactory FPMMDeterministicFactory (0x9083A2B699c0a4AD06F63580BDE2635d26a3eeF0) - Gnosis Chain Explorer
Kleros bridge
Reality.eth Realitio_v2_1 (0x79e32aE03fb27B07C89c0c568F80287C01ca2E57) - Gnosis Chain Explorer
Reality.eth Oracle Adapters RealitioProxy (0x2bf1BFb0eB6276a4F4B60044068Cb8CdEB89f79B) - Gnosis Chain Explorer Contract 0xa57EBD93faa73b3491aAe396557D6ceC24fC6984 - POA Sokol Explorer
Reality.eth Oracle Adapters (Scalar) RealitioScalarAdapter (0xb97FCb6adf4c4aF9981932a004e6CC47173d0Bfc) - Gnosis Chain Explorer
CPKFactory CPKFactory (0xfC7577774887aAE7bAcdf0Fc8ce041DA0b3200f7) - Gnosis Chain Explorer
Uniswap V2 Router UniswapV2Router02 (0x1C232F01118CB8B424793ae03F870aa7D0ac7f77) - Gnosis Chain Explorer
Uniswap V2 Factory UniswapV2Factory (0xA818b4F111Ccac7AA31D0BCc0806d64F2E0737D7) - Gnosis Chain Explorer
Omen Subgraph Omen xDai Subgraph Omen Sokol Subgraph
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Thank you! very much appreciated! :pray:

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