Areta Delegate Platform

Key Info

Please delegate to us on: 0x8b37a5Af68D315cf5A64097D96621F64b5502a22

I. Introduction

Areta Governance specializes in supporting DAOs and foundations to establish and grow decentralized governance structures. We develop tailored solutions in governance inception and optimization, ecosystem growth, and service provider selection. Our connected investment bank with deep strategic expertise, enables us to serve our partners holistically, rather than working in isolated governance silos.

We have had the privilege to work for some of the leading companies and DAOs in the crypto space (Safe, Uniswap, Arbitrum, Aave, and dYdX). Examples of our work include managing a larger Aave delegation, setting up key contributor initiatives for Safe DAO, leading the first cross-ecosystem growth initiative for Uniswap and Arbitrum, and crypto-native transactions like the first acquisition of Coingecko or the sale of Solscan to Etherscan.

Having collaborated with industry leaders, Areta’s governance team offers a range of specialized services designed to support protocols and institutions in achieving their strategic goals, including:

  1. Governance Inception: Set up key governance elements and structure, and build out tailored functions depending on ecosystem needs.
  2. Governance Optimization: Set up, diagnose, and enhance processes, and procure service providers.
  3. Ecosystem Growth: Create grant and contributor programs with reporting and tracking, and access strategic, institutional, and investor networks for growth.
  4. DAO-Native Transactions: Provide DAO investment banking, M&A, and wind-down services, and facilitate institutional token launches.
  5. Professional Delegation: Offer professional voting and governance services, and create institutional-grade reporting material.

As DAOs emerge from their infancy, their structures have proven powerful tools for enabling decentralisation and autonomy. We view a well-designed governance system as a critical enabler for decentralized projects to allow them to leverage decentralization as a strategic advantage, rather than treating it as an inconvenient necessity (where most of the market is currently at).

However, they often encounter challenges in maintaining the organisation, highlighted by governance issues such as contributor onboarding and delegate overload. This scenario has highlighted areas where DAOs can improve in establishing structured processes for better collaboration and are open to further strengthening against inefficiencies.

Recognising the need for evolution, we focus on excellent DAO participation with robust, defensible analysis of proposals through a structured voting process while simultaneously applying our deep institutional knowledge and strategic governance expertise to offer proactive DAO governance solutions aimed at nurturing the ecosystem for the long term.

II. Delegate Motivation

As long-term supporters and contributors to SafeDAO, we are well-versed in the Gnosis ecosystem and its stakeholders, including key groups like Gnosis Guild and many of the larger delegates.

Over the last year, we have supported key initiatives for SafeDAO with dedicated teams:

  1. Key Contributor Initiative (CES): In an effort to support SafeDAO’s key contributor initiative OBRA, we developed a contribution efficiency system that enables the DAO to operate seamlessly, enhancing transparency and elevating process standards to an institutional level. (Link: Snapshot Vote; Forum Post)
  2. Token Liquidity Event: We supported SafeDAO as a key partner in the token liquidity event with in-depth analyses, process support, and collaboration with large parts of the team. We acted as process lead, sounding board, and governance facilitator. (Link: Forum Post)
  3. Among the most active contributors: We have supported the DAO with analyses and thorough feedback on key initiatives on and off the forum. We are active on all governance calls, providing feedback and strengthening the DAO’s decision-making processes. (Link: Forum Profile)

While GnosisDAO is a different ecosystem, it carries the same values and has overlapping stakeholders. We are confident in expanding our valued relationship with SafeDAO to the Gnosis ecosystem, enhancing our value creation and providing essential support to GnosisDAO to strengthen its governance.

Besides our organic link to Gnosis, Areta’s key tenets as delegates are as follows:

  • We will aim for 100% voting participation - we are deeply invested in the ecosystem and our goal is to meaningfully support its direction via thoughtful, educated governance decisions.
  • We always commit to voting independently and impartially.
  • We will open source our rationale through frequent updates to this thread, which will act to anchor our thinking and make ourselves accountable to the wider community.

We will achieve these tenets through our four unique sources of value:

Structured & Streamlined Voting Process

  • Our team lead adds new proposals to a shared tracker and assigns each incoming proposal to a specific member of the team.
  • For each proposal, we prepare a standard memo summarising the key issues, the black and white hat case (pros and cons), and a recommended decision with accompanying rationale.
  • Each proposal is then peer reviewed by another team member.
  • For complex proposals that require more discussion, we involve more members of the team as necessary to form a joint opinion.
  • We then publish our voting rationale externally on our public forum.

We always try to base our votes on sound, defensible rationale so that we are internally consistent and our voting track record stands up to external critique.

Ecosystem Growth and Expansion to Institutions

Leveraging the Areta network to promote and foster flourishing ecosystems across DAOs. Bringing unprecedented ties to a deep traditional network of corporates, strategics, and investors.

Governance Optimisation

Utilising our expertise to diagnose, analyse, correct, and enhance the effectiveness of DAO governance, ensuring streamlined operations and decision-making, while building up accountability structures.

III. Areas of Expertise

At Areta, we are eager and equipped to tackle the most difficult challenges in governance, even when those issues are multifaceted. Our key task with Areta is to set-up and steer these strategic governance systems to enable the members of the DAO to work towards commonly aligned goals, so that ecosystems can grow organically.

Select Experiences

  1. Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program: Launch of Cross-Ecosystem Growth Initiative for Uniswap and Arbitrum. Read more here.
  2. Contributor Efficiency System: Development of Safe DAO Contributor Efficiency System. Read more here.
  3. Services Procurement Framework: Management of Service Provider Selection and RFPs for Arbitrum. Read more here.
  4. Operations Trustee: Trustee to dYdX’s Operations Trust. Read more here.
  5. Aave Delegate: Incentivized Delegates for the Aave DAO. Read more here.

IV. Conflicts of Interest/Waiver of Liability

Areta currently does not have any material conflicts of interest. We agree to keep the Gnosis community updated should any conflicts of interest arise. Our work in other DeFi DAOs is solely focused on supporting structural projects that are advancing the overall DAO space, are open-sourced across DAOs and will not influence any decision-making. By delegating to Areta, you acknowledge and agree that Areta will participate on a best efforts basis and will not be liable for any form of damages related to participation in this DAO.

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