Awesome Gnosis Chain Staking Resources

Awesome Gnosis Chain Staking Resources

Hello wise validators! I’ve compiled a curated list of Awesome Staking Resources. The list includes solo staking set-up guides, clients, analytics and health dashboards, tools and more.



Solo Staking

Running a node is perhaps the most profound way to contribute to a blockchain network. By running a node, you -are- the network. Together with other nodes run by others around the planet, you form part of a global network that is anti-fragile and resilient.

Deposit Page:

Tools, Explorers and Health Dashboards

1-click Tools


Health Dashboards

Set-Up Guides

Blogs, Newsletters, Podcasts

Meetup/Community Call/Event

Validator Incentive Program

The GnosisVIP program serves to greatly improve decentralization of Gnosis Chain through various bounties and incentives that ensure the resilience and diversity of our validator network.

Explore Geographic Diversity Program

Liquid Staking

Liquid staking providers allow anyone to stake without running the infrastructure themselves. It also gives stakers an opportunity to use their tokenized staked resources (sGNO & rGNO) for yield farming, borrowing or compounding while still protecting the protocol.


Chiado is optimized for testnet stability for developers, and has a semi-permissioned validator set similar to Ethereum’s Sepolia testnet

How to Participate


great, thx for this! Even though I thought I was quite up to date found some interesting pages I missed before.

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