I recognized an error in calculation of voting power for snapshot voting: withdrawn GNO from validators are still giving voting rights (I exited 10 about 90 days ago and they are still included in my voting power). Seeing about 35k gno already exited this might have an influence on voting outcome and imo should be fixed.
this bug is still persisting
I like to bring this topic up again to understand if our voting calculation reflects what is intended. I have 250 GNO validating and have also some GNO in liquidity pools (which should not have voting rights). But when voting at the last snapshot I was attributed 262, a number I can’t understand (withdraw 10 validators some time ago). It’s more than my validators but less of my total holding including the pools (but having nearly no GNO in my wallet). Glad if someone can either clarify or confirm that there is an error.
I’d also like to mention that the voting power of validators should be assigned to withdrawal addresses. I and the entities I manage validators for have lost several thousand GNO voting power because it is allocated to the address that executes the deposit, in this case, Gelato (Sponsored transaction).
Another issue is that it’s not possible to vote if your GNO is in a Safe on the Gnosis chain. Similarly, this is also the case if the withdrawal address is a Safe.
Additionally, it’s impossible to see on Snapshot who has how many delegated votes and from whom—a bug I reported to Snapshot several weeks ago, but it still hasn’t been fixed.
It’s a real pity because generally few people participate in voting, and among those who want to vote, many encounter these obstacles.
glad to see interest in this, haven’t thought about the addresses. For me funding address would be fine, but see your point when using gelato or safe (haven’t used this for this so far).
Yes, but the funding address should be the actual one, not just the one executing the transaction. I reported this bug two months ago, and it still hasn’t been fixed.
GnosisDAO is looking for complicated ways to increase participation in the governance process, like delegating 50k GNO to various entities that request it. However, in many situations, it’s impossible for regular users to vote, and believe me, most people won’t come forward and report this or similar bugs. It makes the whole process look very amateurish. These things simply need to work.
Hi @gno-investor and @refri sincere apologies for the slow response from a Gnosis core contributor. Please feel free to tag me in a post like this if you feel like you’ve surfaced an issue and it’s not being resolved. This should not be an issue as GIP-28 passed allowing GNO holders to vote even if their GNO are invested/staked/locked in smart contracts in different protocols/networks.
I am escalating this issue with the DevOps team who have been working on Snapshot maintenance. I will keep updating this thread until the issue has been resolved.