FranklinDAO (Prev. Penn Blockchain) Delegate Platform

Contact & Delegation Address Information

  • Delegate Voting Address: 0x070341aA5Ed571f0FB2c4a5641409B1A46b4961b
  • Twitter: @FranklinDAO
  • Point of Contact: @0xjonwong on Twitter or @jonathanwong3 on Telegram
  • Website: FranklinDAO


FranklinDAO is a student-run DAO composing of students at the University of Pennsylvania, and is one of the most active blockchain university orgs in the world. Our teams range from Governance, Research, investments, and Trading. Some of our other current delegations include: Arbitrum, Uniswap, Optimism, Compound, and Aave. Members of our governance team are highly motivated and have a background working at Chainlink, Messari, and Galaxy.

Some of our recent notable accomplishments:

  • Current member of Uniswap Treasury Working Group, with plans to present findings with UniswapDAO in the coming month
  • Launched and passed proposal on Compound to implement exchange rate pricing for LSTs and LRTs

Delegate Motivation

As a group of passionate and highly motivated contributors to the crypto ecosystem , we would like to help Gnosis continue its mission of building infrastructure and products for the crypto economy and bridge the gap between old and new payment rails. We believe GnosisDAO has provided tangible value to the ecosystem through projects like Gnosis Pay, Safe, CowSwap, and xDAI. We would like to help push Gnosis forward by providing our unique perspectives on existing initiatives, by leveraging our network and background in governance, and by proposing new ideas for the DAO. We will aim for 100% voting participation and to actively communicate our rationale.

Areas of expertise

Our team has a strong track record having worked as delegates in other major DAOs, and have developed expertise in those ecosystems (Arbitrum, Aave, Uniswap etc). We also have a strong background on the technical side from a software engineering and research perspective, enabling us to do on chain data analysis as well as understand and draft code for proposals, one of which includes oracles and hybrid web3 infrastructure.

Conflicts of Interest

FranklinDAO Governance also works as delegates in several other DAOs, including those listed in the Introduction Section.