It’s a very interesting discussion with different opinions but with the same basic thought: See Gnosis, its ecosystem, and its token succeed for the good of the whole community.
The buyback idea is an interesting one, especially when you consider that it’s not just GNOs that will be stored without doing anything with them, they could also be used for investment, partnerships, protocols, farming etc.
But it’s true that all this discussion raises several points
What’s the best strategy?
Many retails can see the GNO price going up, and are therefore interested in the token and the ecosystem, so this is a very good thing in favor of buybacks.
BUT you also have to take into account the retention rate of your assets and the use of your ecosystem.
And to increase this rate for the ecosystem, we need to develop our ecosystem even further.
So yes, there are already some incredible existing products, and this is just the beginning.
But for example, the comments about liquidity on the GNO lending markets are real.
The situation is still too problematic with the current conditions, it has to be a priority.
We’re talking about being in a phase where we need to attract users to join Gnosis, but if these users don’t have sufficiently interesting products in quantity, what’s the point of them staying? For the price only?
So, in that sense, buybacks are appreciable.
But otherwise I think it’s still too premature, and that it’s much more important to do on-chain with precisely this cash, to launch products, platforms, protocols to show the interest of being on gnosis, buying GNO and keeping it.
It’s a difference of opinion and a different way of going about things, even though we all want the same thing at heart.
This vote will surely pass in the majority, as people think first about the direct return on their price/investment.
But is this how gnosis should be understood? The question is open
Or maybe the buyback amount is too big and could be reduced?
There’s a lot we could still talk about, so I’m not taking a position on this vote, but here are my open thoughts