GIP-29: Spin-off safeDAO and Launch SAFE Token

I think some of the SAFE tokens should be distributed to safes that hold a certain minimum amount of assets, as well offer them options in other products, like COW or GNO.Good luck!!!


I believe your team can come on, Dao

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I think there is a lot to process here and I think it would be great if the number of days for locking is extended by another 48 hours (atleast for the lock. I would personally have liked given good 4 weeks of review time for new participants. There is too much history for new participants to review here.). The lock time was only mentioned 8 hours before the end time by Stefan.17:00 GMT is 12:00 PM EST and 09:00AM EST. This is detrimental to east coast and west coast contributors.

Most essentially, if the goal is to decentralize fully and bring in new participants, there should be more time for project reviewers to review the GIPs. It looks like there has been a lot of tokens under discussions in the past. Hence it has been hard to comprehend and would appreciate extension of the lock timeframe.


The current lock deadline for GNO holders is primarily for receiving the vCOW airdrop. For future airdrops (such as SAFE) there will presumably be another deadline, allowing additional GNO holders to lock or people to buy GNO in order to participate.


Won’t airdrop to users benefit mostly to DAOs with a large multisig? And why not, but in this case 5% seems like a strange number. It will be diluted in the treasuries of the DAOs. The token risks being forgotten, abandoned or never used to vote. Having to claim it can be a solution, like vCOW. Or why not make a list of the biggest or oldest or loyalest (or whatever criteria) DAOs and offer them an exchange? There would be diversity directly in SafeDAO’s treasury. Or something like the Solidly veNFTs on Fantom? I’m just thinking out loud.

I think if a user airdrop is made using AUM as a factor, there should be diminishing returns, meaning a Safe with $10M in assets should not get 1000x more tokens than a Safe with $10k. I definitely like the COW model of giving purchase options to users! But would suggest this being decided on at a later point via the outstanding SAFE token supply in the treasury. The user airdrop should only be retrospectively rewarding the loyal users / early adopters and shouldn’t be sold in my opinion. But open to be challenged on this.


Why not extend the time line? Give token holders more time to consider lock for vCOW? I have requested for an extension of lock timeframe by two weeks.

Extend GNO Token Lock by another 2 weeks for GIP29 Snapshot

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Please, how to participate in airdrop?

Tokens are used to create vaults, which is nice

@lukas_gnosis, this is a great proposal. I would like to suggest one more addition – setting aside a % of Ecosytem or Core Contributor allocation to support Ethereum Core Devs. As Tim Beiko highlights in this tweet, funding Ethereum Core Dev needs to be a sustainable process. With core devs building the core protocol that Gnosis Safe benefits from and with projects like Gnosis Safe protecting billions of dollars worth of assets on Ethereum, it is evident that both stakeholders have incentives aligned.

Hence, I suggest allocating 1-3% to Ethereum core devs to initiates such as the Protocol Guild. This allocation can have the same vesting schedule as core contributors of Safe, or any other vesting schedule the team sees fit.

Looking forward to hearing the thoughts of the community, thank you.


Want to bump here again and see if any thoughts. Feels like GNO holders should vote NO on the spinoff if they are being diluted to a circumspect 20% from an absolute 100% of the value today.


I’m all for this. It gets my vote.

Would strongly support the inclusion of an incentive-compatible payment to the core protocol teams.

Wow,that’s fantastic proposal. The details are up to stardard,and i wonder one detail if there will be a community airdrop for such as twitter&discord active and contributing members which would attract more potential ecological user.This can highlight the attributes of safeDAO.

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That was such an epic proposal to read! One thing I believe it missed, and that is not favouring those who run GBC validators with GNO. What would be GnosisDAO’s goal is to be the most decentralized. And this pulls out decentralization in favor of just locking GNO.
Which in my view are less valueable, than ‘pulling more GNO token holders’ towards running validators! Trying to reach the goal of running 100,000 nodes wordwide in a decentralized way asap is harder, if we only reward those who lock their GNO until lock time ends.
I believe there should been ‘lock dropped’ same rewards for those too who run validators to help secure and decentralize the network.
Or in addition, it should been viewed as a LOCK too, as it is locked until the merge comes.
It would been ideal imo to give validators the same reward as for those who locked their tokens.
As locking tokens are a lot easier than running validators and checking network status to make sure it’s healthy.
GNO validators should be treated well and the incentives must be there, as Gnosis aims to fulfill the idea of decentralization, we need more people worldwide to run nodes from homes.
Making GNO validators part of the SAFE token distribution would bring more validators and more decentralization. Not including them sounds incorrect to me


GNO validator here – this has been implemented. If you run validators, you are eligible for locked rewards


if do this is gonna be huge, $safe will bring back gnosis chain

Since a lot of $COW airdroppers swapped their COW into GNO to be eligible for the SAFE airdrop, I wonder if it wouldn’t make sense to legitimate the Gnosis ecosystem by indeed, allowing users of other products under the Gnosis umbrella to be eligible for the SAFE token launch. Incentivizing users to jump into COW and hold it as either a multiplier or simply an eligibility criteria would demonstrate strength for the Gnosis ecosystem as a whole.


As a GNO and COW holder I like this idea. Obviously doesn’t have to be a huge amount. I like the idea of a multiplier or small percentage.


I would like to make COW holders to be eligible for the SAFE token launch too and it would bring massive value to the COW token. Maybe with linear vesting too.