GIP-30: Should GnosisDAO reward 2300 GNO to Prysmatic Labs
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GIP: 30
title: Should GnosisDAO reward 2300 GNO to Prysmatic Labs?
author: GnosisDAO, Stefan George
status: Draft
type: Funding
created: <date created on, in ISO 8601 (2022-03-10) format>
Should GnosisDAO reward 2300 GNO to Prysmatic Labs?
Since the launch of the Gnosis Beacon Chain over 60000 validators were launched. Those validators almost exclusively run either Prysm or Lighthouse clients.
Given the importance of Prysm for Gnosis Chain, we suggest rewarding the Prysmatic Labs team with 2300 GNO for their work aligning incentives with their team.
In return the Prysmatic Labs team will support Gnosis Chain in the following ways:
A direct communication channel with the Gnosis Chain Team.
Acceptance and maintenance of minor changes to Prysm codebase to support Gnosis Chain.
Acknowledgment and timely review of any performance, regression, or general reports from Gnosis regarding Prysm software.
As @StefanGeorge mentioned, giving 2300 GNO (currently $690,000) to the Prysm team will help align their incentives with those of Gnosis. In addition to GBC validators running almost exclusively on Prysm, the most commonly used client on the ETH consensus layer is Prysm (currently around 66%). As such, Prysm having a vested interest in the well-being of Gnosis seems like a good move.
IIRC, the GnosisDAO treasury currently holds +150K ETH. Therefore, the success of Gnosis heavily depends on the success of Ethereum. Similarly, because so many ETH validators rely on Prysm (almost exclusively with GBC validators), the success of ETH - and therefore GNO - is at least partly tied to the success of Prysm. Gnosis should nurture a mutually beneficial relationship with the Prysm team as it would benefit all stakeholders in the Gnosis ecosystem. Also, the shared cultural values between and among ETH, Prysm, and GNO align well (at least, that is my sense of it).
Good proposal, would be nice to get this proposal and the one of erigon more in line with eachother so we can set clear goals for client teams that help Gnosis chain (and maybe proactively go to the other teams)