GNO Voting Power Subgraphs - Released v0.2.0

Following our GIP-112 update, we’re glad to share that a new version v0.2.0 of the Voting Power subgraphs has been published to the Decentralised TheGraph network.

This new version comes with additional accounting for GNO deposits on the Gnosis Chain which was removed during the transition from the hosted service to the decentralised network.

This new functionality is already in place and GNO depositors are now getting the right voting power on Snapshot proposals.

If you want to learn more about the subgraphs, do not hesitate to reach out or reply to this thread.


Additional information regarding the Subgraphs update

This release takes into account that the GNO voting power inside the Deposit contracts, corresponds to the withdrawal addresses rather than to the sender TX and aims to avoid TX relayers to not hold that unintended voting power as they could have been treated as TX executors.

I must admit that I don’t understand the details, but the outcome (my voting power) seems still weird to me. It’s less than my validators and even more less than my total holdings. Have done some math by looking at my holding in different protocols and also deducting gno I borrowed, but couldn’t find a plausible explanation.

Will you get the stakewise staking included in the future?

Hi @refri ,
available at this link you will find the list of protocols that are currently being tracked on the Subgraph that do account for voting power calculations: GitHub - gnosis/subgraph-voting-power

Regarding the validators, we’ve changed the way the deposits are accounted for voting power.
Previously the depositor address was getting the voting power, which was fine, but this was causing issues to those users that were depositing funds through relayers, which in turn were gaining voting power on behalf of the user as there was no way to prevent the behaviours unless we hard-coded the full list of addresses that a relayer could take, which thing can be circumvented as we do not have control over these addresses.

Now, voting power is assigned directly to the withdrawal address for these deposits. So, if you made any deposits, please make sure you have access to the withdrawal address, if that’s a Safe, you can delegate voting power over to any other accounts through the Snapshot delegate platform: Snapshot

Ok so a question as I am usi g my hardware wallet as the source of my deposits, in terms of the addition GNO to be staked on top of the 3 that came with the DAPPNODE GNOSIS CHAIN HOME, does that affect whether or not i would get the validator rewards in the same way?