Gnosis Chain Validator monitoring tool

GM beloved validators,

At BootNode, we weren’t satisfied with the existing solutions available for monitoring attestation and rewards performance, staked and claimable balances (in GNO and USD), as well as receiving notifications (such as drops in performance, status changes: active to/from inactive, and slashing) for multiple validators at once. To simplify the setup, we only wanted to provide one or more withdrawal addresses instead of individual validator identifiers.

This is why we developed this bot Telegram: Contact @gbc_validators_bot.

After testing it for a few weeks, we decided to share it to learn if it is as useful for others as it is for us. It seems that it was.

:robot: Some metrics:

  • Users: 54.
  • Total monitored validators: 46555 (~25% of active validators).
  • Validators under active monitoring: 5200 (given resource constraints, we can only monitor 200 validators per user).

Validator, if you haven’t tried yet, there are still a few beta testing slots. Add the bot and set it up in only One Step.

Next steps:

  1. Final testing (2 more weeks).
  2. Bot roadmap refinement (including removing the limitation of 200 validators per user).
  3. Share the roadmap along with a plan.

Very useful and efficient tool for validators! We will continue to announce this tool through our channels to reach more validators.


thx for bulding it, works great.