Gnosis Guild Delegate Platform

Gnosis Guild Delegate Platform

Contact & Delegation Address Information

Delegate Voting Address: 0x12BEEF35025841EFccb77D6EE40df86400Fdb4bB

Point of Contact: @espina


Twitter: GnosisGuild


Gnosis Guild is an Activist Engineering Studio with the values of conviviality, co-ownership, and experimentation at its heart. For over three years, our team’s modular tooling and needs-driven development have secured and operationalized the GnosisDAO’s governance and treasury asset management. These include: Zodiac Reality Module for decentralized Snapshot governance; Zodiac Roles and bespoke tooling for karpatkey’s non-custodial asset management; custom strategies for delegation; token locking and distribution systems for CoW and Safe; and support and development for other GnosisDAO initiatives like Hashi and Gnosis Pay.

Delegate Motivation

Gnosis Guild was initially founded to design and implement the infrastructure needed to launch the GnosisDAO. Since its inception, we’ve played a pivotal role in stewarding core infrastructure to maintain the DAO’s operations. As GnosisDAO delegates, we plan to take on a more active role in governance, participating in forum discussion, lending our advice on various GIPs, as well as putting forth our own proposals.

We have three main objectives we’d like to advance within the Gnosis DAO.

  1. Decentralization — We hope to foster more decentralization within the DAO, building community participation, supporting more transparency in decision-making, and decentralizing DAO functions.
  2. Growth and Expansion — We plan to support the growth of both the Gnosis Ecosystem and GnosisDAO’s holdings, by supporting promising initiatives and experiments in these categories.
  3. Governance Innovation — We believe the DAO would benefit from more innovation in its governance and operations, moving beyond its monolithic architecture to develop diverse processes, funding mechanisms, and roles.

Areas of expertise

Our core expertise is in the GnosisDAO’s infrastructure, which we developed and have stewarded. Our team has many years of experience in engineering in web3 across the stack, with infrastructure securing billions of dollars in assets. Beyond that, our team is well-versed in governance architecture and design, systems, operations, mechanism design, and token economics. We plan to contribute across these fronts, providing thoughtful leadership and advisory for the DAO.

Conflicts of Interest


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