Gnosis Nodes Updated to the v 1.14.5

Node update alert!

Gnosis is all about fast transactions, low fees and unforgettable #DeFi, #NFTs, #DAOs, #Games dev experiences.

Despite being an early-stage project, Gnosis Chain was recognized by iconic speakers of the global blockchain community: Ethereum’s co-founders Dr. Joseph Lubin and Vitalik Buterin, Polkadot’s founder Dr. Gavin Wood, legendary Bitcoin (BTC) evangelist Anthony Pompliano, etc.

Gnosis Chain utilizes a novel consensus mechanism dubbed POSDAO. Users can participate in network consensus by running their own full nodes. All participants of consensus are locking their GNO tokens to receive rewards in both GNO and xDai. The last function is unique: PoS and DPoS systems very rarely offer staking rewards in stablecoins

Now Gnosis Nodes are updated to the version 1.14.5 :fire:

Don’t miss a chance to build on GNO with GetBlock


Ok how do i stake my Gnosis and how many of them do i have to stake?

To run a NODE that is. And would this be as a Validator or in so n e orher type of Node such as Consensus Node?