Project Overview
A Safe Application for multi-token transfers in a single Ethereum transaction.
Project name
Safe CSV Airdrop
Team members
What project are you building
Send arbitrarily many distinct tokens, to arbitrarily many distinct accounts with various different values from a CSV file in a single Safe transaction!
Project Repo here
In the readme is a link to the currently deployed version on ipfs.
Why did you decide to build it
Existing tools, like for this type of application are missing essential details (e.g. can only multi send a single token at once) and charge a fee (without even telling the user). They also originate from an EOA account which transfers the funds into a safe first and then sends them out (making them slightly less gas efficient – tokens need to go to one place first before they are distributed out to the recipients).
How long will it take
Not more than 7 days (Review process could span a couple of weeks)
How much funding are you requesting
2k DAI
How did you hear about this grant
Through a friend, Ben Smith, who is an employee at Gnosis that started this project
Submission Outline
Safe App description
Send arbitrarily many distinct tokens to multiple different recipients in various denominations from a CSV file in a single Safe transaction!
For several reasons, people want to be able to transfer arbitrarily many distinct tokens, to different recipients with various values in a single transaction (e.g. project token airdrops, paying suppliers, incentive programs, paying salaries, etc…). This application fills a gap in the ecosystem saving people substantial amounts of time and gas money.
A Quote from the project’s README
“Have you encountered the painful task of sending out multiple token transfers to several recipients with various different values? Not only do you have to have to initiate multiple transactions, but then each transaction requires a signature threshold followed by the time it takes to have each transaction mined… Well these days are over! Finally a Safe App which allows you to transfer various ERC20 tokens to arbitrarily many recipients for varying amounts in a single Ethereum transaction. It’s as simple as uploading a CSV “transfer” file and submitting a single transaction.”
This application will allow a user to either upload or paste a CSV “Transfer File” which is parsed and encoded into a multisend of token transfers. To summarize, this application will support
- ERC20 token transfers
- Native Asset transfers
- Networks; Mainnet, xDai, Rinkeby
- Multiple token lists for mainnet (so that known token icons will be displayed)
- Support for “unknown” tokens by providing token decimals
- Intuitive UI
Optional: Time permitting, we could also add support for NFT (ERC721) transfers, but the UI would have to be slightly different (so it may not happen for the initial release).
Individual / Team description
Manuel Gellfart - Studied Computer Science at Uni Paderborn and FU Berlin. Working as a fullstack developer in Berlin.
Timeline, Milestones and Deliverables
Project is already well underway and should not take more than another two weeks. Currently this app is already fully functional and is only missing testing and a good UI. Plan of execution is to include tests and improve the UI (using safe web components).
We have created a milestone in the gihub repo for the initial release with a due date of May 31, 2021.
@bh2smith - the originator of this project and not eligible for the grant (as a Gnosis Employee). However, he actively assists with the deliverables and guide the project to the finish line.