HOPR Node Runner Delegate Platform

Contact & Delegation Address Information

Delegate Voting Address: 0x273D4e93eeEf5a494206c072ffF70f6Ea7D7afC4
Point of Contact: @thewanderingeditor
Website: https://forum.hoprnet.org
Twitter: @wanderingeditor


I’m thewanderingeditor, steward of the HOPR DAO and founder of Lexicon Governance, which builds governance and collaboration tooling and conducts research into DAO governance and voting mechanisms.

Delegate Motivation

My goal is to represent the interests of the HOPR node runners, who collectively have longstanding ties to Gnosis.

HOPR is a privacy-preserving mixnet which has been part of the Gnosis ecosystem since its earliest testnets in 2020. Since its launch in 2021, the HOPR network has run exclusively on Gnosis Chain, and has since grown to over 500 nodes.

The HOPR team are currently developing the first version of GnosisVPN, which will
provide Gnosis users with metadata-private access to key sites and services within the Gnosis ecosystem. This work was funded by the Gnosis DAO as part of GIP-98.

In addition, as part of GIP-98, 500 GNO are being distributed to HOPR node runners to run Gnosis validators.

In this role I will aim to represent the interests of HOPR node runners and help them collaborate to make their views and votes known, initially via the HOPR forum and later via Lexicon’s forum and vote tooling. I look forward to actively participating in GnosisDAO and promoting the shared values of Gnosis and HOPR.

Areas of expertise

I have been the steward of the HOPR DAO since 2021, and spearheaded numerous experiments with different voting mechanisms and DAO incentive schemes, as a result of which HOPR DAO has one of the highest participation rates in web3 (measured as a ratio of token holders to active forum participants and voters).

Since 2023 I have run Lexicon Governance, an independent project dedicated to governance research and building collaboration tooling to improve the efficiency, transparency and fairness of web3 governance. If selected as a delegate, some of Lexicon’s tooling will be used to coordinate the opinions and votes of HOPR node runners.

Conflicts of Interest

In addition to my role as steward of the HOPR DAO, I have been a member of the HOPR Association since its founding in 2020. The HOPR DAO has been the recipient of funds from Gnosis-linked entities, most recently $1.5m from GIP-98 to build GnosisVPN, a proposal which I helped to author.

None of these seem like conflicts of interest, per se, but I mention them out of transparency and completeness.

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