Idea of using GNO combined as validator collateral and gnosis pay cashback collateral


i got my gnosis pay card last week and like the cashback idea by providing GNO to the pay card safe wallet. And I was a node operator on the ETH network before and looking into using my hardware to become a gnosis validator.

I think it would be a great idea if i could use GNO for both tasks at the same time… eg. staking 10 GNO in validators and somehow also use them for the gno pay reward system.

What do others think about that?


Armagan from Gnosis validator relations manager here. It’s a great idea, for sure. Let’s chat with the Gnosis Pay team first to discuss how feasible this would be from a tech standpoint.

Thanks for sharing on the forum!



thanks for your reply. Would be great if you can share any info on the team discussion here if that happened. Thanks


although this would boost my profit I am not sure if it’s a good idea for fund allocation in general.
Relevant questions are:

  • How many more cards could be issued (or how much more gnosispay volume would be get by this)?
  • How many more node operators could be attracted by this?

The first number seems to be limited to me cause many node operators are already aware of gnosispay and use it already, also there is still a quite limited number of node operators .

The second question is a bit harder to get a valid guess for me, it would ofc be great to increase number of node operators by addressing the card users but cause it needs some work and capital only a small fraction of card users would go for this.

What I could imagine usefull, although it will also address only a small fraction of card users: once you have reached a certain milestone in cashbacks (e.g. at least one GNO) and use this to fund a new validator (best would be a new node), it would still count for calculation of your cashbacks.
But still not sure if the administration overhead to check and calculate would be worthwhile.


thanks for the input.

You are right, very valid questions and concerns. I guess gnosis must decide if providing
this feature makes sense in a cost/gains point of view.

The idea really comes from my personal view. As a previous ETH node operator i have
the hardware laying around and had to decide if i should use my GNO to be a validator or
use it to get cashback for my daily spendings… cashback right now seems more attractive to me
but beeing able to use both ways seems very attractive.

But right, I guess number of card holders that want to be a validator at the same time is a very limited number of people

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