Recommend way to swap from any cosmos chain/token to Gnosis EURe

What is your recommend way?
I usually swap token within the cosmos universe on

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Currently to my knowledge there are no direct bridges between Cosmos and Gnosis Chain, except the Monerium bridge who’s able to bridge EURe tokens between Noble and Gnosis Chain (but you need a Monerium account to use it and it has a KYC.).

The other way I see is just to use USD stablecoins like USDC and use Arbitrum or Polygon as an intermediary chain where you bridge them first before bridging again to Gnosis Chain. For the first part where you bridge to Arbitrum/Polygon, you can do easily and for little to no slippage/fees with bridges like Squid router (for example bridging USDC from Osmosis to Arbitrum).

Then once that you have USDC on Arbitrum, you can bridge them very easily to Gnosis Chain for very small fees/slippage with bridges like,, new Bungee, Crosscurve, Layerswap and so on… (Stargate will be available soon too).

Hopefully in the future there will be more bridges who will connect directly Gnosis Chain to the Cosmos ecosystem.