Revolutionizing User Engagement: Gnosis Chain AI Assistant Proposal

GIP-Draft: {title}

  • In Favour
  • Against
0 voters
GIP: <to be assigned>
title:  Gnosis Pathfinders: AI Assistant
author: GnosisPathfinders
status: Draft
type: Funding
created: 2025-01-20
duration: 1 month
funding: 15,000$


Funding - Rewards/Reimbursement

Executive Summary

This proposal introduces the Gnosis Chain AI Assistant, an advanced Telegram-based educational and service bot designed to address accessibility, engagement, and governance challenges in the Gnosis Chain ecosystem. By streamlining access to information, tools, and governance processes, the bot empowers both users and developers while fostering community participation.

The AI Assistant will directly address common pain points such as difficulty accessing technical resources, understanding governance proposals, and engaging with the ecosystem’s tools. This initiative benefits the Gnosis ecosystem by improving user retention, increasing governance participation, and accelerating developer onboarding.


The Gnosis Chain AI Assistant will offer:

  1. Knowledge Portal
  • For Users: FAQs, tutorials, and a glossary with latest updates.
  • For Developers: Comprehensive API documentation and developer guides.
  1. Explorer Integration
  • Transaction Tracker: Search transaction status by hash.
  • Wallet Insights: View balances, staked assets, and LP tokens.
  1. Governance Portal
  • Proposal summaries, context, and impact analysis.
  • Real-time updates on voting deadlines and outcomes.

Some of our past work

Mechanisms Supporting the Gnosis Ecosystem:

  • Simplifies access to resources, reducing onboarding friction.
  • Enhances governance transparency and participation.
  • Supports developers with tools and documentation for dApp development on Gnosis Chain.


The Gnosis Chain AI Assistant is designed to address the following challenges:

  • Lack of Accessible Resources: Many users and developers struggle to navigate Gnosis Chain tools and governance processes.
  • Low Governance Engagement: Complex proposals discourage participation.
  • Community Retention: Users require ongoing education and personalized alerts to remain active.


Total Funding Request: $12,000

Breakdown of Expenses:

  • Development: $8,000 (bot architecture, coding, and integration).
  • Hosting & Maintenance: $4,000 (server costs, updates, and bug fixes).

Milestones and Proposed Timeline

Phase 1: Knowledge Portal and Explorer Integration

  • Duration and Cost: 1 month, $6,000

Phase 2: Governance Portal and User Support Tools

  • Duration and Cost: 1 month, $6,000


The Gnosis Chain AI Assistant is a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing accessibility, engagement, and governance participation within the ecosystem. By providing an all-in-one solution for users and developers, the project positions Gnosis Chain as an innovative and community-focused blockchain.


Hello :wave:

Thanks for your draft post.

In its current form, we feel this post is relatively incomplete. This doesn’t provide any information on who the developers are or whether there has been any prior engagement across the ecosystem. The funding requested is also inconsistently stated as $15k in the summary and $12k in the budget details. We suggest taking inspiration from past funding requests to improve the quality of this request.

Beyond that, we find ourselves struggling to see the value here. Loading core information about Gnosis into an LLM and then having that output info through a chatbot is not an especially difficult task, and is one that Gnosis’ developers or the community could easily perform if desired. It’s not clear why we should be paying “GnosisPathfinders” for this. And the two screeenshots provided show relatively little functionality of any use… we would need to see much more demonstrable value to consider it a worthwhile investment of treasury funds.

We’ll be happy to discuss further and receive more information on the product. However, in its current form we feel we couldn’t approve this proposal.

Thanks again


Hi there - thanks for posting on the forum! Can you please review our governance tutorial and edit your proposal so that it conforms to the right formatting? You’ll need to change the title of your proposal into a question, for example. Once you’ve done that the forum moderators will assign your GIP a #. Thanks for taking the time to share you ideas and looking forward to your final draft.

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