Safe Apps provide a browser into the “internet of value,” and we want to build this browser together with the Ethereum ecosystem.
What are Safe Apps?
Safe Apps allow users to interact with Ethereum applications straight from the Gnosis Safe interface.
Once apps are added, you can connect your Safe seamlessly to the app and securely interact with it using your predefined multisig policy.
What are Safe Apps Grants?
Safe Apps Grants aim to incentivize the community to extend the functionality of the Gnosis Safe and enable independent developers or projects to build their first Safe App.
Safe Apps are a blank canvas with a lot of opportunities to build useful applications and extend the feature set of the Safe.
Our current focus is to support apps related to:
- governance
- fund management
- development tooling.
Creative ideas are also very welcome!
If you want some ideas / examples of open projects that would qualify for funding see,
Grant Payouts
- Grants have a minimum payout of $1,000 and a maximum payout of $10,000
- 10% of the payout will be in GNO, with the remaining amount paid out in DAI
- Grants are paid out at the sole discretion of Gnosis, with varying rewards depending on the complexity of the app
Who can participate?
Anyone can participate in this grant program and start building Safe Apps.
Here are a few tools and resources that will help you build your first Safe App:
How to apply for a Grant?
Outline your grant application using the template here (250-500 words) and post it within the Grant section in the Gnosis Forum. The applications are evaluated on a rolling basis.
Note: Submitted applications are for the internal Gnosis team to review.
Evaluation / Requirements
In order to be eligible for a grant, a Safe App needs to fulfill the following criteria:
Safe Apps must be considered “valuable” by the Gnosis team. We want to make sure Safe Apps are built around actual use cases. This is a subjective evaluation, but factors included in the consideration are the potential size of the user base, expected transaction volume, or user experience improvements.
The Safe App must be ready to be used by actual Safe Multisig users on mainnet. In case your Safe App interacts with smart contracts, make sure they are audited and generally perceived as production-ready. Your Safe App should overall be considered “safe” and feature a decent user experience. Risks associated with the usage of the Safe App must be communicated to the user transparently.
Please let us know if you have ideas to improve the developer tooling, and always feel free to reach out in the #safe channel in our Discord at!