Should Gnosis DAO fund a bounty for Gnosis Safe support for Kali DAO client?

GIP-Draft: Use Zodiac To Add Gnosis Safe Support To The Kali DAO Client

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GIP: <to be assigned>
title: Use Zodiac To Add Gnosis Safe Support To The Kali DAO Client
author: Mark, @ProjectProgramAMark (<-- Github)
status: Draft
type: Funding
created: 2022-03-16

Simple Summary

Building an extension/app on the Kali DAO client to control a Gnosis Safe using the governance mechanisms built into Kali DAO, allowing for full governance and integration between the two technologies.


Gnosis Safe is the de facto treasury for many DAO platforms. Kali DAO aims to create a DAO while handling the legal framework in the back-end. Kali DAO is run by many of the people in LexDAO, and is very well known. By making an extension using Zodiac in order to control a Gnosis Safe, you allow full governance of a DAO built on that platform which is easily accessible to users that are not Web3-savvy.


Gnosis Safe is now standard for many DAO implementations. Creating avenues for new users of Gnosis Safe is ultimately better for the platform. Furthermore, there is already an implementation of something similar on DAOHaus and Snapshot, and there is one in development for the [Aragon client] as well (bounty is sponsored by Gnosis Safe).


Building this would likely require:

  • Zodiac tools to enable the Kali DAO as a module. This would allow the Kali DAO itself to be able to create transactions on the safe, without the need of a second layer of multi-sig users (which would both create redundancy of governance as well as give opportunity for malice/disruption/unequal governance to a number of users)
  • NextJS, a React framework, which is what is used to create Kali apps
  • Solidity to possibly create smart contract code to facilitate creation of a module. However, this could also be done without Solidity code, and instead simply utilize Gnosis Safe SDKs to enable Kali DAO as a module using only the front end


Building this using the tools mentioned in the specification section is not only pretty doable, but it seems that the amount of effort would produce many more users of Gnosis Safe, as well as make it accessible to many more new users that may not have otherwise chosen to use Gnosis Safe, and instead use the built-in finance methods of Kali DAO. Which are not bad, but it is not as robust and amazing as Gnosis Safe :slight_smile:

I have also personally spoken to people very involved in the creation and maintenance of both Gnosis Safe, Zodiac, and Kali DAO community. All are on board and think this is a great idea. I am thinking a bounty of a one-time payment of 5000 USDC to be attached to this bounty. This would be a fair compensation for the developer’s time, and would be enough to stimulate the creation of this.

Side note: as a new user I was only allowed to put 2 links in my post, or else I would have linked to all of the other tech I was using as well as other resources


The implementations must be completed before any GIP is given status “Final”, but it need not be completed before the GIP is accepted.

GnosisDAO Snapshot

Phase 2 Proposals: Please ignore this section, and leave as is. It is used for Phase 3 proposals.
Phase 3 Proposals: Add a link to the corresponding GnosisDAO Snapshot poll you’ve created.

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Bumping so hopefully this doesn’t go unnoticed. There has been many people asking for this functionality at Kali DAO! Right now the solution is very janky, would be a super beneficial for Gnosis DAO!

Sorry for the slow reply on this @thisisnotmark. I really love the proposal and would love to support it.

@0xGG, this feels like it might be a little small of a proposal for the Gnosis DAO. But perhaps is something we could support through Gnosis Guild?

Alternatively, @StefanGeorge, perhaps we could do this as a grant from Gnosis Ltd?

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I think this is very Zodiac specific. Maybe it makes sense to have an allocation for grants within Gnosis Guild? You are much more knowledgable what is grant worthy.

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Yeah, that’s fair.
@0xGG what are your thoughts on this?