I’ve just read the discussion, and I share a lot of opinions and thoughts with the last two posts
If the DAO is to finance, GnosisPay must be treated as if it were a totally external project, and must provide us with sufficiently established sources/data/proposals so that we can vote with full knowledge of the advantages/disadvantages and a much more informed vote.
Knowledge is power
Then I also saw the discussion about choosing GNO or GNO LSD.
And I understand @mkoeppelmann point of view, but I don’t think GNO stackers should be left out of a service like Gnosis PAY.
There are LSD validators who don’t have the desire/financial means to buy a complete node and yet they participate in the chain (even if they’re rewarded for it).
I’m a gnosis LSD stacker, yet I use gnosis every day, I participate in the validation and growth of the chain and its ecosystem using its DEFI protocols.
And it would bother me to be excluded from a possible additional reward around the gnosis ecosystem.
So maybe reconsider?
I can also propose a few ideas, given that LSD has a yield, why not, for example, lower the cashback for LSD compared to GNO?
This will give yield via validation and a little extra bonus to those who + pay with gnosis pay.
Why not also see, as mentioned in the comments, possible partnerships with brands/companies? Netflix, Spotify
(Why not even with crypto companies/products)
We have a whole ecosystem developing around payments/services/goods
There are more and more crypto companies let’s deal with them for gnosis pay!
Give-and-take for everyone
I was also thinking of an idea,
We could also look at other factors for cashback, the GNO amount is good, but maybe also look at stacking time?
Combine it with the stack amount for such a high cashback %.
(This would avoid those who buy GNO, take advantage of the cashback on a few purchases and then resell directly).
Otherwise, I agree that it would only benefit a very few people and a very few countries, and it would be premature to leave all these countries on the sidelines.
So I think it’s premature to make such a decision, when there are so many elements missing from CAD
On the benefits it can bring, the real interest, etc etc (with datas/data/source)
And then the rest that comes up in the posts, but it’s a fascinating topic of discussion!
Here’s my contribution