Voluntary Exit Trouble, cant get the GNO

Im exited from my validators, and in

say i have 8.137167 GNO
and in
say i have 0.595713 GNO
When i access to my wallet on safepal and metamask say i have only 0.595713 GNO
How can i recover all my withdrawal GNO 8.137167 + not withdrawal GNO 0.595713 ?
Many thanks!!!


Right now it’s necessary to claim the withdrawals, which I did for you here: Gnosis chain transaction 0x617b41ecb0017bfb7d4cf0b3e7a3c8df7ff15c0656df0f2f79cfe69995fcd53a | Blockscout.

It’s a function on the deposit / withdrawal contract anyone can call. A simple frontend will be made available shortly.

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