Since all cryptocurrency portfolios (eg. Blockfolio) are an APPs, we have created a website for tracking GNOSIS and other cryptocurrency coins.
Simply: submit number of owned coins (eg. 100 GNO) and its buy price (eg. $120). Coinparator will track current rates, profits, gains, loses and generate current charts for coins owned by you. Thanks to this you always know, how many coins do you coin, how much did they cost you and for how much you can sell them.
- you can use this website for free
- personal information or registration not required
- just one small ad banner in header, otherwise ad free
You can track GNOSIS!
Main portfolio table of owned crypto coins:
Any response will be very appreciated. Suggestions, bugs, problems - I’m here. You can post into this thread, send me a private message or an email.
Demo account is available at the bottom of index page. However it’s free and registration is not required, so you can test it by starting your own portfolio. Hope, this website will help you!