Curia Lab Delegate Platform

Curia Delegate Platform

Contact & Delegation Address Information


Curia Lab is a team of seasoned DAO governance researchers, data analysts, blockchain engineers, and developers, dedicated to strengthening the DAO ecosystem through specialized tools, insights, and delegate services.

Delegate Motivation

We are excited about the prospect of joining GnosisDAO, aiming to contribute significantly to one of the most established DAOs in the ecosystem. Curia Lab is passionate about Gnosis and committed to governance activities within its community. Our engagement is centered on fostering active and meaningful participation to support the growth and evolution of GnosisDAO and the broader Gnosis ecosystem, which aligns with our values and mission.

Areas of Expertise

Curia Lab seeks to support GnosisDAO’s mission of creating secure, scalable, and decentralized solutions. We are committed to contributing our expertise in data-driven governance to enhance decision-making processes and transparency within GnosisDAO, helping to further its growth and decentralization.

Conflicts of Interest

As a team deeply involved in governance research and DAO operations, we collaborate with various projects and DAOs including Optimism, Safe, Arbitrum, Zksync, etc. to improve their governance. We pledge to maintain transparency and manage any potential conflicts of interest responsibly, especially in our dealings with GnosisDAO and its community.

Waiver of Liability

By delegating to Curia for GnosisDAO governance, delegates acknowledge that Curia will participate on a best-effort basis and will not be liable for any damages related to this participation.

PS. You can find our previous Delegate Thread, including all our initial statements and detailed voting rationales here:


Proposals: GIP-102: Should GnosisDAO provide financing for the new GnosisVC ecosystem venture fund?

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this proposal as it aligns with GnosisDAO’s mission to foster ecosystem growth by financing the GnosisVC fund. This investment will leverage $20m from GnosisDAO, matched by $20m from external LPs, to fuel early-stage projects within the focused growing verticals of RWAs, decentralized infrastructure, and financial payment rails. By integrating and incubating these ventures, the proposal aims to drive innovation, adoption, and synergies within the Gnosis ecosystem, ultimately enhancing its value and impact.

Proposals: GIP-104: Should the GnosisDAO Enhance Awareness and Adoption of the Shutterized Gnosis Chain by Providng a Grant for Marketing Activities?

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this proposed marketing campaign because we believe it will significantly boost awareness and adoption of the Shutterized Gnosis Chain, emphasizing its unique benefits like protection against malicious MEV and censorship. With a comprehensive plan that includes PR efforts and community engagement at major events, we can ensure a successful launch, attract more users, and enhance the overall ecosystem of Gnosis Chain.

Proposals: GIP-105: Should GnosisDAO support v2 Explorer hosted by

Vote: Against

Rationale: We support the enhanced features and improvements outlined in the proposal for the Explorer. However, we voted against the proposal due to the additional $100,000 integration fee, which we believe is unnecessary for a continuation of the existing service. We will vote in favor of the proposal once this fee is removed.

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After reassessment, We now support GIP-105. The $100,000 initially proposed as an integration fee has been restructured into a strategic investment in, aligning it with Gnosis long-term interests. This change from a mere cost to an investment in Gnosis’s infrastructure justifies a favorable vote.

Proposals: GIP-107: Should the GnosisDAO form, in addition to the Gnosis Asset Holdings I Foundation, a legal conduit to continue to foster Gnosis´ decentralization goals?

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this proposal because the creation of the Gnosis Operations Foundation, a legal conduit that will enhance GnosisDAO’s operational capabilities and enable it to engage more effectively with traditional legal and financial systems. This foundation will facilitate the DAO’s ability to execute contracts, manage fiat transactions, and handle IP rights, thereby improving overall operational efficiency.

Proposals: GIP-109: Should the GnosisDAO introduce Snapshot moderators to reduce spam?

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this proposal as we have witnessed several instances of spam on the Gnosis Snapshot space. This measure will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our governance process by ensuring that only relevant and well-considered proposals are presented for voting.

Proposals: GIP-111: Should the GnosisDAO fund the Ethereum Protocol Attackathon?

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this proposal because it aligns with GnosisDAO’s mission to build and enhance decentralized infrastructure for the Ethereum ecosystem. As a DAO with a strong commitment to security and innovation, contributing to this comprehensive security audit not only strengthens the Ethereum protocol but also directly benefits the Gnosis Chain, which shares a similar architecture and vulnerabilities. This collaboration ensures trust and interoperability between Gnosis and Ethereum, increases Gnosis’ visibility within the community, and demonstrates our commitment to community-driven security improvements and the continuous enhancement of decentralized technologies.

Proposals: GIP-110: Should the Gnosis DAO create and fund a Gnosis Pay rewards program with 10k GNO?

Vote: For

We support this proposal because it’s a great growth hack that effectively incentivizes user engagement and retention within the Gnosis ecosystem. By offering a tiered cashback program through Gnosis Pay, it encourages both small and large GNO holders to participate, while the additional rewards for OG NFT holders add further appeal. This program is a low-risk, high-reward initiative for the DAO, leveraging the opportunity cost of unstaked GNO, and its transparent implementation ensures trust. It’s a cost-effective strategy to drive user interaction and long-term growth for Gnosis Chain.