Gnosis DAO Delegate Program Application Thread

Gnosis DAO Delegate Application Thread


This thread contains instructions for prospective delegates to nominate themselves to become Gnosis DAO Delegates.

Eligibility Criteria

Each applicant must meet the following criteria to be eligible to become a delegate in this program:

  1. Active Community Membership: Applicants must be active GnosisDAO Community member.

    • To meet this criteria, applicants will have a forum account or discord membership that is six months or older.
  2. History of Governance Experience: Applicants must governance experience in GnosisDAO or another active DAO.

    • To meet this criteria, applicants must share a link to their Snapshot or Tally profile showing a history of governance involvement.
  3. Maintain a Delegate Platform: Applicants must post a delegate platform in the GnosisDAO forum detailing their governance experience and approach to GnosisDAO governance.

    • To meet this criteria, applicants will link their newly created Delegate platform to their platform.

Delegate Expectations

Applicants that receive delegates in connection with this program are expected to maintain the following standards:

  • A 70% participation rate. Selected delegates will participate in all DAO votes during this program.
  • A 100% communication record. Selected delegates will communicate all reasons for their voting decisions on their delegate platform.

Nomination Process

Step 1 - Create a Delegate Platform

Applicants must draft a delegate platform using the template in the newly created Delegate Communication forum category.

This Delegate Platform will contain information about the delegate, including motivation for involvement in the GnosisDAO, areas of expertise, and disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest.

Step 2 - Post Nomination Application

Applicants will post their application to this program as a reply to the application thread.

Completed applications will contain the applicant information and nomination statement supplied in the template.

Any applicant requiring sponsorship should be specified in their application. To be sponsored, an eligible community member who is not applying themselves should reply to their application with the statement, “I meet the eligible criteria, am not participating in this program and sponsor this applicant.”

Step 3 - Snapshot Voting

Following the three-week nomination period, all eligible applications will be put up for a Snapshot vote using the weighted voting strategy. At the conclusion of the voting, the top 10 delegates will be delegated 5k GNO for a period of six months to be used in GnosisDAO governance.


All Delegate Platforms must be drafted and linked in this thread by Midnight UTC on July 10th 2024.


Nomination Template

Applicant Information

  • Delegate Voting Address: Where delegates can receive delegations
  • Link to Forum or Discord Handle: Used to prove participation history
  • Link to Delegate Platform: Used to prove delegate platform completion
  • Seeking Sponsorship: [Yes/no]

Nomination Statement

I have read and understand the process and expectations for this delegate program and wish to be included on the ballot for nomination. [This application meets the eligibility requirements / This application does not meet the requirements and seeks sponsorship].


Applicant Information



Snapshot Profile: Snapshot

Nomination Statement

SEEDGov started as a community that gradually specialized in governance and specific protocols, giving rise to our delegate platform. As we progressed, we established a presence and improved our positioning in different protocols and projects, without deviating from our ethos. All this growth was purely organic, evolving naturally as we transitioned from a community to the professional organization we strive to be. Without any VC funding, we have been able to remain agnostic.

As we stated in our delegate platform thread, we will actively contribute to the governance of GnosisDAO and the Gnosis ecosystem, looking forward to working with other interested delegates to promote the Gnosis mission in our region and worldwide and encourage others to participate in DAO governance actively.

As a delegation, we have read and understood the process and expectations for this delegate program and wish to be included on the ballot for nomination. [This application meets the eligibility requirements.]


PGov Delegate Program Application


  • Delegate Voting Address: 0x3FB19771947072629C8EEE7995a2eF23B72d4C8A
  • Link to Forum or Discord Handle: @PGov
  • Link to Delegate Platform: PGov Delegate Platform
  • Seeking Sponsorship: Yes
  • Twitter: @PGovTeam

Nomination Statement

We are a team of dedicated governance enthusiasts who have been in the crypto governance space for over three years. Our team were some of the first members involved in defi governance and we want to apply what we have learned over here to Gnosis. We believe this community has some of the strongest and most intelligent community members and we’re grateful to be along for the journey! We’re excited to officially create this thread to organize our voting presence and communications.

We first got interested in Gnosis during our MakerDAO involvement days where we learned about xDAI and the complementary ecosystems. Over time, as Safe launched, and we became delegates there, Gnosis kept coming up more and more. Eventually, with the launch of the Gnosis Delegate Program, we thought this was the perfect time to increase our engagement with a team we’ve heard so much about!

As a delegate, we have read and understood the process and expectations for this delegate program and wish to be included on the ballot for nomination. [This application does not meet the requirements and seeks sponsorship. Thanks for your consideration.]


Curia Lab Delegate Application

Applicant Information

Nomination Statement

Curia Lab began as a dedicated team of DAO governance researchers, data analysts, blockchain engineers, and developers, united by a shared passion for enhancing the DAO ecosystem. Our journey has been one of organic growth, driven by our commitment to providing specialized tools, insights, and delegate services. As we evolved, we established our presence across various DAOs, maintaining our focus on transparency and data-driven governance.

As stated in our delegate platform thread, we are enthusiastic about actively contributing to the governance of GnosisDAO and the broader Gnosis ecosystem. We look forward to collaborating with other dedicated delegates to promote Gnosis’ mission, both regionally and globally, and to encourage active participation in DAO governance.

We first became interested in Gnosis during our involvement with other prominent DAOs such as Optimism, Safe, and Arbitrum. Our participation in these communities has equipped us with valuable insights and experiences that we are eager to bring to GnosisDAO. With the launch of the Gnosis Delegate Program, we see a perfect opportunity to deepen our engagement and contribute to the community we respect and admire.

As a delegation, we have read and understood the process and expectations for this delegate program and wish to be included on the ballot for nomination. [This application meets the eligibility requirements.]

ACI (Aave Chan Initiative) Delegate Application

Author: ACI ( Aave Chan Initiative) & Marc Zeller

Date: 2024-06-26

  • Delegate Voting Address: 0x57ab7ee15ce5ecacb1ab84ee42d5a9d0d8112922
  • Link to Forum: @ACI
  • Link to Delegate Platform: ACI Delegate Platform
  • Seeking Sponsorship: No
  • Twitter: @Aavechan


The current Nomination Thread aims to recognize and validate ACI ( Aave Chan Initiative) as Gnosis Delegate, participating in the Gnosis DAO Delegate Program.


Established in the dawn of 2023, the ACI stands as one of the driving force behind the Aave protocol. ACI amplifies your voice within the Aave DAO community and leads by example, catalyzing progress with a steadfast focus on results.

As the primary delegate of the Aave DAO, ACI is committed to action, not just words. ACI actively vote on proposals and, as service providers, wield the code to turn these ideas into tangible solutions, advancing the Aave ecosystem. As a service provider ACI runs programs focused on making governance contribution simple and easy. ACI also is active managers of tohe various programs for Aave DAO including the delegate grants program, Aave’s Frontier staking program and member of Aave’s Protocol Embassy (APE) promoting Aave’s interest throughout DeFi.

Proposed Delegate Initiative

As the growth service provider for one of the most profitable DAO’s, ACI is committed to growing DeFi. We believe it is important to grow in a safe and controlled manner that maximizes the benefits of DeFi composability and community. As Gnosis Delegates, we will make sure to be actively involved in Governance and maximize it’s relation within Aave DAO and it’s ecosystem.

Areas of Expertise

ACI has experience managing governance processes for DAOs at the highest level. We believe in strong processes that protect the DAO and give clear instructions for all participants

ACI has been using Gnosis and SAFE multisigs for a while, using it for Aave Protocol Embassy (APE) and other protocols.

ACI has been one the successful actors behind Gnosis being deployed on Aave, promoting it since the beggining of Aave Governance through both TEMP CHECK and ARFC (and Snapshot votes along the way).

[TEMP CHECK] Aave V3 Deployment on GnosisChain

[ARFC] Aave V3 Deployment on GnosisChain

After that, ACI has been Gnosis onboarding new assets such as sDAI, USDC.e more recently, and increasing caps and updating parameters when needed.

[ARFC] Update GNO Risk Parameters on Aave V3 Gnosis Pool

[ARFC] Increase Caps for Aave V3 GnosisChain Market

[ARFC] Onboard USDC.e to Aave V3 Gnosis Chain

On a side note, ACI founder, Marc Zeller, has been a huge advocate of Gnosis and SAFE since almost the start.

You can delegate to ACI through the following address: 0x57ab7ee15ce5ecacb1ab84ee42d5a9d0d8112922


Applicant Information

  • Delegate Voting Address: 0x2B888954421b424C5D3D9Ce9bB67c9bD47537d12
  • Link to Forum or Discord Handle: lefterisjp
  • Link to Delegate Platform: Lefteris Karapetsas - Delegate Platform
  • Seeking Sponsorship: No

Nomination Statement

I am a long time ethereum developer, community member, governance participant and more.

I would like to be involved in Gnosis DAO governance since I am a user of almost every single Gnosis related product, and heavy Gnosis chain user. I would like to see the DAO grow and get a good governance model and believe my participation can help towards that.

I have read and understand the process and expectations for this delegate program and wish to be included on the ballot for nomination. [This application meets the eligibility requirements].


Contact & Delegation Address Information

  • Delegate Voting Address: 0xB22981bA3FE1De2325935c91a3B717168fB86714
  • Link to Forum or Discord Handle: chuygarcia.eth
  • Link to Delegate Platform: Chuy García - Delegate Platform
  • Seeking Sponsorship: Yes

Nomination Statement

I’m Chuy and I’ve been a part of the Gnosis Chain ecosystem for the past 4 years, engaging with its community and governance and supporting its infrastructure as a node operator.

I have read and understand the process and expectations for this delegate program and wish to be included on the ballot for nomination. [This application meets the eligibility requirements].



Snapshot Profile: Snapshot

Nomination Statement

Hey folks – I’m an individual contributor who has been active in and around Gnosis since 2021. Ive been a validator since the first few months of the Gnosis Beacon Chain and a continuous buyer of GNO. Most importantly for my application here, I am 100% unaffiliated with any Gnosis product teams. I’ve always brought an outsiders opinion to this forum, even when it was in direct opposition to Gnosis core team. My goals, should I be selected as a delegate, will be to push forward those GIPs that will expand Gnosis Chain, carefully steward and use the DAO Treasury, and increase Ethereum alignment. Take a look back at my efforts to get the Gnosis DAO to diversify our stETH holdings for proof of my ability to force the difficult conversations. Long term, I have absolute belief and respect for the Gnosis teams and Karpatkey. I keep buying GNO because I believe in them. That said, I promise to be vocal in supporting GNO holders who are unaffiliated with the core team.