Staworth / jackgale.eth - Delegate Platform

Contact & Delegation Address Information


Staworth Limited is a new DAO service company that aims to deliver value-aligned and committed service to a handful of DAOs which ignite our passion.

Our model aims to accumulate governance power and align incentives by reinvesting a proportion of all revenue into the DAOs that we serve.

Alongside non-reserved legal services, Staworth contributes actively to its DAOs by leading governance initiatives, providing copywriting and opinion pieces, and analysing financial performance, among other activities.

Jack is an English law solicitor by training, now focusing full time on supporting and building DAOs.

Delegate Motivation

In truth, we are relatively new to Gnosis DAO and only beginning to grow our involvement in its governance. Having only started in DeFi in 2022, it is a steep learning curve to grow from user, to contributor, to leading DAO member. Finding the communities that really pull you in takes time!

With that said, Staworth loves Gnosis :heart:. The community’s ceaseless pursuit of innovation in so many areas is deeply inspiring and ignites our passion to contribute. From Chain, to Pay, to Hashi, through Safe, CoW, karpatkey and Guild, Gnosis truly embodies the spirit of innovation in DeFi. And so it’s an ecosystem that we really want to invest our time and effort into.

From our initial involvement in various discussions across the DAO, we feel there is a huge amount to sink our teeth into, and also a need for more new and emerging delegates to step up their role. Though there are many excellent seasoned participants in the DAO, we hope that a fresh face, with some bold ambition and a background of novel experience will provide material value to the DAO’s governance, and prove an effective delegate that’s worthy of your votes.

In particular, Staworth looks to bring an experienced set of eyes on issues around legal risk, liability and regulatory compliance. We deliver value through detailed review and investigation of the circumstances of governance, and aim to take a lead on issues that touch on legal risk to help safely navigate the DAO through these difficult areas.

Where selected as a delegate, we pledge to:

  • Sustain a voting record of no less than 95% participation throughout;

  • Provide complete communication as well as detailed quarterly reports to this delegate platform post to summarise recent activity and public positions on key issues affecting the DAO;

  • Invest part of the company’s revenue into $GNO to match delegations with our own voting power and “skin in the game”; and

  • Seek further opportunities to support and contribute to the DAO, its members and the Gnosis ecosystem.

Areas of expertise

Jack’s background in professional legal services offers a wealth of experience that can be unusual or hard to find in Web 3.0. This includes navigating legal, commercial and pragmatic issues around large-scale corporate and trading arrangements, advising client in relation to regulatory requirements, risks and enforcement, and experience in handling complex litigation and disputes in senior course, all across both UK and international markets.

In terms of Web 3.0, Jack has been a key contributor to Beefy DAO since 2022. This includes a wealth of experience leading governance initiatives, pursuing large-scale grant and incentive programmes, creating the financial reporting function, and contributing regular blog publications and press releases. He also frequently attends conferences and events around the world to spread the good word of Beefy.

References are available on request.

Conflicts of Interest

No immediate conflicts are known.

Where Staworth is engaged by other DAOs on subject matter touching on the interests of Gnosis DAO as well, new potential conflicts may emerge. Where they do, Staworth undertakes:

  1. to provide full disclosure and details of the potential conflict in the comments to this delegate platform;
  2. to caveat any public comments on the relevant area(s) with details of the potential conflict; and
  3. to abstain from voting on issues where Staworth’s interests do or are likely to genuinely conflict with those of Gnosis DAO.


Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to serving Gnosis DAO!



With the launch of the delegate platform, I will now delegate my personal voting power to the governance.staworth.eth delegate voting address.

For transparency on my prior voting record, I set out below the recent proposals I have voted on and my reasoning for the vote.

Proposal: GIP-93

Vote: For

Reasoning: An obvious win-win to improve bridging security and support Hashi (as an ecosystem project).

Proposal: GIP-94

Vote: For

Reasoning: Following the support and success of GIP-91, the proposed arrangements to progress with onboarding Centrifuge Prime and for expanding access to RWAs seem novel and suitable, and worth supporting.

Proposal: GIP-95

Vote: For

Reasoning: karpatkey have delivered enormous value for the DAO in their work to date. Expandin their service mandate to cover RWAs is an exciting prospect, especially as other arrangements under GIP-94 push us forward in the same direction.

Proposal: GIP-96

Vote: For

Reasoning: The proposed to allow the Centrifuge Prime legal conduit to handle other illiquid investments seems like a no-brainer. With the administrative arrangements already in place, this limited scope extension provides greater security in managing those investments.

Proposal: GIP-97

Vote: For

Reasoning: The inclusion of the Safe <> Gnosis joint treasury within karpatkey’s remit is a natural and obvious choice, and will enable these assets to benefit from karpatkey’s existing work.

Proposal: GIP-98

Vote: For

Reasoning: Security and privacy are other verticals that are essential to the development of Web 3.0. Strengthening the ongoing relationship with HOPR and supporting further development seems like an attractive use of the requested investment.

Proposal: GIP-100

Vote: Supported But Did Not Vote

Reasoning: Unfortunately, due to issues with attempted delegations, we were deprived of voting power for this proposal. Nonetheless, we engaged with the prior discussion, showing support but questioning if the scale of the program could be altered to make it more appealing to sceptical voices.

Proposal: GIP-101

Vote: For

Reasoning: Diversification of governance is vital to maintaining a strong and stable DAO. StableLab and karpatkey have demonstrating the value of delegation programs in many other DAOs and this effort should be welcomed to Gnosis as well. We are pleased to throw our hat in the ring as delegates for this proposal.

Proposal: GIP-102

Vote: For

Reasoning: Expressed initial scepticism about the draft proposal, but obtained reassurance about the prior planning, involvement of Gnosis LTD and reasons for raising to the DAO. Generally supportive of all efforts to invest further in innovation and entrepreneurship across the Gnosis ecosystem.

Proposal: GIP-104

Vote: For

Reasoning: The Shutterized Gnosis Chain is in need of additonal awareness and adoption, and a range of different initiatives are needed to support this. As a frequent attendee of major events, we can see the value in using them to expand awareness and engagement.

Proposal: GIP-105

Vote: For

Reasoning: As a fan of’s explorers and supportive of the importance of open and accessible information about validators, the value added by this service warrants the additional expenditure. Was pleased to see the integration fee converted into an investment to address concerns.


Provisional views on live votes:

Proposal: GIP-106

Vote: Leaning Against

Reasoning: It is right that efforts should be made to prevent exploitation of reward programs and close gaps in the original spec. Though changes can undermine trust in the DAO, this does not necessitate returning to an old policy with obvious gaps. I would however be interested to discuss some minor compensation as a compromise for those affected retroactively after investment was made in the program.

Proposal: GIP-107

Vote: Undecided pending further questions

Reasoning: Having a legal entity for operating purposes does provide key benefits. However, the questions of whether and how DAOs adopt legal entities are still open ones, where best practices are emerging and each option has its drawbacks as well as its benefits. In general, I prefer that we take time to make the right decision, rather than rushing to the first solution presented. The further questions are designed to draw out what work has been done to assess whether this is the right decision at the right time.