GIP-50: Should TrustSwap deploy smart contract utilities on Gnosis Chain?

GIP-50: Should TrustSwap deploy smart contract utilities on Gnosis Chain?

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GIP: 50
title: TrustSwap would like to deploy smart contract utilities on Gnosis Chain
status: Draft
type: Funding
created: <date created on, in ISO 8601 (2022-06-08) format>
requires (*optional): <GIP number(s)>
replaces (*optional): GIP-43

Simple Summary

TrustSwap is requesting a grant of $50,000 to expand our smart contract tools to Gnosis Chain. This would include our Token Locks, Token Mint, and Vesting software. The details of these tool utilities are outlined in our previous proposal here:

The proposed work is the same however we are able to reduce our costs and are now requesting only $50,000 to complete this work.

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