Should GnosisDAO pay additional GNO rewards for GNO<>ETH LP on Sushiswap?
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- No
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0 voters
GIP: 7
title: Should GnosisDAO pay additional GNO rewards for GNO<>ETH LP on Sushiswap?
author: @rafa
status: closed
type: Funding
created: 2021-01-22
Simple Summary
Paying out a GNO reward on top of the upcoming SUSHI reward that the GNO<>ETH Onsen pool will have.
The objective of this proposal is to kick off a crossDAO collaboration attempting to create stakeholders for both communities (Sushi and GnosisDAO).
GNO<>ETH will soon be a part of Onsen (in less than 48 hours) and start accruing Sushi rewards.
Through a liquidity incentivisation campaign, both teams can distribute a stake to the members of both communities.
Both Sushi and Gnosis are DAO’s and teams committed to building decentralized products enabling the future of open finance.
It has been quite impressive to see the strong community that has formed around Sushi, and the GnosisDAO would benefit from feedback and participation from the Sushi community in order to explore future synergies between our products.
As a precedent for this and future collabs, we are currently running this joint grant program → Introducing the Gnosis Safe SushiSwap Grant | by John Ennis | GnosisDAO
A grant has already been accepted to build a Sushiswap interface inside the Gnosis Safe’s app store.
Pay ~2x the dollar worth of SUSHI in GNO to GNO<>ETH Sushi LPs during the 60 days that the program will last.
Onsen rewards per block will be ~0.08333333333333334 SUSHI, worth around $0.55 USD at time of writing.
With the above, we can achieve:
- Creating stakeholders for both communities
- Foment cross-DAO collaborations in the future
- Increase GNO liquidity
There is a simple method in which the DAO can reward GNO<>ETH LPs by sending GNO to the pair contract, effectively distributing the reward to participants.